Tuesday, November 11, 2008


  1. Altman, Irwan and Setha M. Low, ed. Human Behavior and Environment Advances in Theory and Research Volume 12: Place Attachment. New York: Plenum Press, 1992.
    1. This book goes into detail about the individuals environment and the effects it has on ones self image. It discusses such issues as; attachment to landscape, place attachment, memories, culture, and demographics. The book will he helpful in understand the backgrounds of individuals and the way they see a space.
  2. Helmer, John and Neil A. Eddington. Urbanman, The Psychology of Urban Survival. New York: The Free Press, 1973
    1. This book is directed towards understanding the different characteristics of the city and the way they shape the individual user. The city is an unpredictable place and it goes into detail about this and the effects that it has on the “urbanman.” Some of the key discussions in the book include lack of interventions between city dwellers and mental health.
  3. Milgram, Stanley. “The Experience of Living in Cities. Adaptations to urban overload create characteristics qualities of city life that can be measured.” Science, (70 Mar)
    1. This journal entry discusses the differences between people that live in the city and the suburbs. It is proven the city dwellers are much more independent and not willing to help others. Items such as roll behavior, cognitive capacities, atmosphere and behavior are all discussed in terms of city and suburbs.
  4. Proshansky, et.al. H. “Place Identity: Physical World Socialization of the Self.” Journal of Environmental Psychology, no 3: 57-83
    1. This article discusses both place-identity and self-identity. It compares the differences between New York City and suburban lifestyles. It also discusses cognitive mapping and the different variables in it relating to place.
  5. Sanders, Scott Russell. Staying Put. Making A Home In A Restless World. Boston, MA. Beacon Press, 1993. 19-36
    1. This article is about a family that moves out of the city because they can’t find peace in the city. They purchased a house in the suburbs and finally found peace and enjoyment in their living environment.
  6. Tuan, Yi-Fu. Cosmos & Hearth, a cosmopolite’s viewpoint. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996.

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